Huston Electric Prefab Shop delivers yet again

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The Main Street assisted living center project in Lafayette was awarded to
Huston Electric in mid-April of 2014. Once the drawings were received by
Huston Electric, Prefab shop manager Brady McKinney and Prefab shop
foreman Rob Melin instantly saw the opportunity to use the Prefab shop to
help with the coordination, planning, and budgeting of this project. They then
sat down with project foreman Ken Rayman to discuss the plan of attack, and
the steps needed to prefab all the necessary material needed for the individual
rooms and hallways. After the plan was in place work began immediately to
ensure the project stayed on schedule. The Prefab shop was in charge of
assembling all the devices needed for the rooms and hallways, as well as
the low voltage data, cutting smurf tube for the low voltage boxes, cutting
over 30,000 feet of MC Cable for homeruns, device wiring, and assembling
homerun terminal boxes. When all necessary material was assembled for a
room, it was placed into a bin labeled with the room’s number along with the
room’s drawing and was deemed ready to be shipped. These bins were then
delivered to the job site and ready to be installed in their respected rooms.
This process ensured that the room installations went smooth and were done
in the most efficient way possible. The job plans to be completed in
the winter of 2014.

Huston Electric is a full service electrical contractor that offers 24 hour emergency service, preventative maintenance, design, build, and lighting service, systems operations, professional engineering, maintenance and troubleshooting analysis, commercial and industrial service, high voltage testing and installation, structured wiring, infrared thermography, LED lighting retrofit analysis, Consultation, prefabrication services, and site maintenance management.

Huston Signs provides and installs electronic message centers, channel letters,
architectural letters, monument signs, pylon signs, neon signs and blade signs.
Huston has physical locations in Kokomo, Lafayette, Lebanon and Indianapolis, Indiana.

Huston Inc. was founded in 1939 and has divisions specializing in electrical contracting, electrical service, Design/Build, home and business automation, telecommunications, visual communications and signage, generators and compressors. To learn more about Huston/ Eight38 graphics, please visit us and

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